9 Fun Facts About Uncircumcised Dicks
Uncircumcised dicks - you either love ‘em or hate ‘em. We’re here to shed some of the underappreciation for dicks that haven’t had the snip, and share so fun facts about them! Read on to hear some fun facts about your little hooded friend.
1. With proper hygiene, uncircumcised dicks aren’t dirtier. Soap and water are enough to get the job done and clean out ‘smegma’, a mix of dead skin cells and oils that can build up.
2. There’s debate around whether foreskin makes sex feel better. While some say that the foreskin creates more sensitivity since it slides along the head of the penis more easily, science hasn’t shed enough light on the topic. A 2016 study found that there were no significant differences in sexual function or sensitivity between having foreskin or not.
3. Uncircumcised dicks slide much more easily! It’s basically like a built-in lube. The extra skin and moisture allow for this. It’s like a natural condom!
4. According to the World Health Organization, only around 20% of men are circumcised! In the US, about 80% are circumcised. In comparison, in the UK, only 20% are circumcised. Crazy how different cultures that seemed so similar can be!
5. Condom positioning is different. The penis owner will usually need to experiment with how they like condoms over their foreskin. For some, pulling back the foreskin under the condom may be the best!
6. You can help blow the stigma! Especially in the US, there’s still a stigma where uncircumcised penis owners can feel self-conscious about their dicks. If you like how they look, tell ‘em!
7. Foreskin can cause discomfort. The foreskin can unfortunately create pain or tightness or inflammation in the skin.
8. Uncircumcised dicks don’t cause more infections! Despite a popular myth, vaginal infections and UTIs aren’t linked to just foreskin. If you have good hygiene and take care of your partner, this shouldn’t be any more of a problem than if you didn’t have a foreskin!
9. It’s up to the penis owner to decide whether to get circumcised or not.
The last fact may be the most important fact - all judgment aside, it’s up to us to support their decision and enforce body positivity!
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